Exam preparation
Goethe, TELC or TestDaf - From A1 until C2, with Timo you achieve it!
Service Description
I want to help you prepare for your exam. Together we can pass the exam. I'm very sure of it. For example, it is a Goethe exam, TELC exam, Test-Daf. or further examination like for example the C1 - medicine? Based on my experience, I will support you in your exam preparation and guide you through this time. Within the framework of individual lessons I will prepare you perfectly for the exam. We will work out all the parts for the exam together and make you feel confident. German exams often have the reputation of being very difficult and complicated. But with the right preparation, you will pass your exam with flying colors, too. You are interested and you need support? Contact me at: info@deutschstudieren. de